Sunday 10 February 2013

Daily Sketch 10/02/2013 Tunnock's Caramel

I just love these little caramel wafers from Tunnocks, I always have since I was at school. It's not just about the product, although they are great with a cup of tea, it's also about the way they're packaged. The smiley little rosey cheeked chappie on the pack, the wonderful 1950's design incorporating Gill Sans, probably my favourite sans serif and of course the proud boast of the manufacturer that states "Still Original Size" (which I don't think can be said for Burton's wagon wheels) all these elements are important for me. You simply can't beat a retro biscuit. I was actually looking for Tunnocks teacakes but was unlucky last night as my corner shop had sold out. Do look out for teacakes in a future post. Now, if like me you are a fan of all things whimsical and biscuitty I urge you to check out a fabulous book and website entitled A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down by Nicey & Wifey whose mission statement reads...  
"Well I think we should all sit down and have a nice cup of tea, and some biscuits, nice ones mind you. Oh and some cake would be nice as well. Lovely." Who can argue with that?

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